15 May 2020
It is our top priority that all healthcare workers are seen and heard during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
We are inviting European healthcare workers that currently provide hospital care (both COVID-19 related and non-COVID-19-related), to participate in a 10-min online survey.
Healthcare workers play a central role in providing quality healthcare for those affected by COVID-19 and those requiring routine clinical care. There are significant psychological and physical pressures on healthcare workers in providing care in epidemic and pandemic conditions. Research conducted during the SARS epidemic (2003) identifed how organisation and social factors, including confidence in ability to effecively deliver infection prevention and control procedures, were crucial to protect both physical and psychological health of healthcare workers.
Under the Hospital Care Study of RECOVER, we aim to better understand the perceptions and wellbeing of European healthcare workers. The outcome will be shared with policy-makers and advisors in Europe, including the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) EURO, to inform actions for protecting and supporting healthcare workers and preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Study design is a cross-sectional survey which is now open for recruitment.
The survey is available for both mobile devices and desktops through the following link:
Please forward this survey to any colleagues who might be interested in participating in this study. Your participation is highly appreciated and crucial in the fight against the coronavirus.
If you have any questions about this project, do not hesitate to contact the coordinating investigator Denise van Hout, at D.vanHout-3@umcutrecht.nl or Jelle Lyskawa, at J.Lyskawa@umcutrecht.nl.